I’m going to write a longer piece about my journey with fitness so far and also start thinking about a goal I want to set. Because if I’m honest, I have no idea where to start with fitness right now. Full transparency, I have a gym membership which I got back in July and I think I’ve been once. There are valid reasons I haven’t gone, but I really need to find a way to incorporate this into my life.

What I wanted to offer in this post is a little bit about what you will and won’t find here.

What you will find:
✔️ a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach to fitness and movement.
✔️ Intuitive movement – more on this later but essentially I’ll train when it feels right for my body and take breaks when it doesn’t.
✔️ I love weightlifting and weight training so I really want to start doing that again and want to share it here.
✔️ I love trails – so whether it’s hiking or running I want to start that again.
✔️ Swimming is another form of movement I love, so keen to swim more and also link that into discussions about body image.
✔️ Hopefully building up the confidence to try new things or revisit old things – I’ve always wanted to try dance or pole and I’d love to get back to rock climbing which I did in my early twenties!

What you won’t find here:
❌ Diet culture (e.g. mention of calories, exercise as punishment, etc…)
❌ Weight loss (in the form of goals or reasons for movement)
❌ recommendations for your own movement practice – I’m a trained yoga teacher so can teach that but I’m not a personal trainer or trained in any other discipline.
❌ before and after photos – my body isn’t a before or after, it’s as it is in this moment and however it is, it’s ok.

Thank you for reading this far – if you have any suggestions for goals I could set or start thinking about I’d love to hear them in the comments.